Ground-mounted solar systems are free-standing structures that support solar panels. Because they can be installed wherever conditions are best for solar power production, they’re a great alternative to the traditional roof-mount solar system.
In this blog, we’ll talk about how much it costs to install a ground-mounted solar panel system, as well as how much money a ground-mounted system could save you.
Your solar system will be custom-designed to meet your unique energy needs and your financial goals. Here are the factors that will impact your solar energy system’s price.
It’s worthwhile to note that these are broad estimates. The cost of your custom-designed solar system could be more or less, depending on your energy production goals, the equipment you choose, and the location and terrain of your property.
The average homeowner can expect to pay between $27,000 and $60,000+ for a ground-mounted solar system.
Businesses can expect to pay $150,000 to $500,000+ for a ground-mounted solar system.
Note: Depreciation savings are based on a 24% federal tax rate and do not include any depreciation on state taxes.
The cost of ground-mounted solar panels before and after incentives is significantly different for both residential and commercial/agricultural systems.
The after-incentive prices on the above charts reflect the widely available solar investment tax credit and accelerated depreciation. The tax credit is available to any tax-paying homes, businesses, and farms that own a solar system, and accelerated depreciation is available to any business or farm that pays federal taxes and owns their system. The savings from both incentives can be recovered the year the solar system is energized.
These may not be the only incentives available to you. State and local governments and some utility companies may offer additional incentives that further reduce the cost of your solar installation. The incentives your system qualifies for will vary depending on your location, the type of property on which you’re installing solar, and the size of your system.
Generally, ground-mounted solar panels will cost more to install than an equally sized roof-mounted system. This is partly due to the structure on which the solar panels are installed.
But with a ground-mounted system, an independent structure will need to be erected to support the panels. The structure will consist of posts pounded deep in the ground for stable support, and then cross-beams are added to the racking system and the solar panels themselves.
In some situations, the additional installation cost is justified by the advantages ground-mounted systems offer.
Sometimes, your roof may not be large enough to hold a system that fully meets your electricity production goals. Or, your roof may not get enough sunlight to be an ideal location for solar. In a few cases, your roof may not be able to support the additional weight of the equipment.
With a ground-mounted system, you have more control over its location. As long as you have the available land, you might be able to install a larger system. You can also pick a sunny spot and orient it to maximize energy production.
If your building’s curb appeal is important and you don’t love the look of solar panels on its roof, you can install a ground mount in a much less visible area.
Overall, installing a ground-mounted solar system can greatly reduce your monthly costs, save on taxes, and set your property up for long-term, sustainable savings. Many solar panels have 25- or 30-year warranties, guaranteeing they’ll produce a significant amount of free electricity for many years to come.
The best way to determine the cost of your ground-mount solar system is to request a free custom quote. With a custom quote, you'll see the complete installation cost, all available incentives, and the payback and ROI.
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