Woodvale Farms
Equestrian Center in Frederick, MD Powers Farm with Solar
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- Woodvale Farms
Frederick, MD | 87.75 kW System
Located just outside of Frederick, MD, Woodvale Farms sprawls across 150 acres of land overlooking the Catoctin Mountains.
As a horse boarder and trainer, Owner Joe Herzog is committed to continuously enhancing the property with environmentally friendly practices.
Watch as Joe shares how he went solar and how Paradise Energy helped along the way.
Project Details
Financial Impact
Financial impact figures are not available for this project.
Financial Highlights
71% installation cost covered by tax credits & grants
6 yr. expected time for system payback
19.7% ROI
System Overview
270 solar panels and 6 inverters
87.75 kW System
Production: 99,036 kWh annually
Environmental Impact

Tons of CO2 Offset / Year:

Tree Offset / Year:

Barrels of Oil Offset / Year:
Benefits of Solar for Woodvale Farms
- Solar covers 101% of the farm’s power needs
- Paradise Energy Solutions took care of all the permitting and paperwork
- After the anticipated payback period of fewer than 6 years, the solar system will provide 25+ years of free electricity for the farm
"They’re very credible; they’re very professional and experienced. You’re going to get a great system; you’re gonna get it at a fair price, and you’re gonna deal with people you want to deal with and that treat you well."
Joe Herzog
Woodvale Farms

Aggregating Meters
If you’re familiar with how solar systems work, you know that typically, solar panels are connected to a single electric meter via the inverter and distribution panel. But what happens when one property has several meters, but only one solar system makes sense?
At Woodvale Farms, Joe wanted the property’s four meters connected to one solar system on the roof of his arena.
“The other companies kind of hemmed and hawed a bit and said ‘well we’re not sure that we can do that,’” Joe shared. “And Paradise, basically from the get-go, said ‘we’re very confident, we do this all the time.’”
We worked with Joe to make sure his solar system would work the way he had envisioned, taking care of all the necessary approvals and paperwork.

Going Green and Saving Green
Joe’s vision for Woodvale Farms is to create an environmentally friendly and responsible facility. Having already undertaken practices and projects like responsible manure disposal and creekbed remediation, solar was the next step.
Working with Paradise Energy to install the 87.75 kW system, the farm now produces 99,036 kWh of electricity annually. This is expected to offset 77.7 tons of CO2 each year, which is equal to 163.9 barrels of oil or 1,808.6 trees.
And the solar panels’ benefits aren’t just environmental in nature. The system has an ROI of 19.7% and will reach payback in less than six years. This means Woodvale Farms will be producing free electricity for decades.

Business as Usual
With indoor and outdoor arenas, Woodvale Farms is well known for hosting a variety of events throughout the year. From educational sessions with International-Level Clinicians to community events, Woodvale is abuzz with activity.
Throughout the installation of the solar system, Paradise Energy was diligent in their efforts to prevent any disruptions to the farm’s operations, making any adjustment necessary to ensure Woodvale’s operations continued as planned.
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