Public School District Energizes With Solar
- Project
- Denton, MD
System Size: 100 kW (412 solar panels)
Installation Type: Roof Mount
Installation Date: January 2021
Location: Denton, MD
30 Year Electric Savings: $330,000+
Annual Environmental Offset: 89.2 tons of CO2, or 188 barrels of oil
Caroline County Public Schools recently energized a 100 kW solar system at their central office. With the energizing of this system, the school district now powers nine of its sixteen buildings with solar energy. An accomplishment the school’s leadership is very proud of.
“Utility costs are a significant line item in our budget and that line item continues to grow as rates increase”, stated Mr. Milton Nagel, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services. “Solar will help reduce our electric bills, allowing for those funds to be redirected to the classroom to the betterment of student achievement.” The newest system is expected to save $11,695 in just the first year and over $330,000 over the system’s expected lifespan.
The system will not only have a big financial impact, but it will also help make a positive impact on the environment. Installed by Salisbury-based Paradise Energy Solutions, the newest 412-panel system will produce 114,663 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of clean sustainable electricity in just the first year. That’s enough electricity to power nearly 11 homes, and it will offset 89.2 tons of CO2 or 188 barrels of oil annually. “Renewable clean energy solutions like solar are a component of environmental education,” stated Mr. Nagel. Teaching how to be good stewards of our planet is an important component and something everyone can get excited about.
The school district is currently installing another 876 solar panels on their Support Services Office on Greensboro Road in Denton,
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